3 Reasons Why Women Should Tell Their HerStory

March is Women’s History month and I was thinking about how important it is to be able to tell our stories. I decided to come up with my own list of why we need to tell our HerStories!

  1. Inspire Others- We never know who we can inspire just by telling our story. From my own experience, I know that when I told my story it inspired some women that I know to tell theirs. It gave them the courage to open up because they knew they were not alone. 

  2. Motivate Ourselves- By going back to our own HerStory, it can help remind us of what our dreams and goals are and should be. Many times, we can get caught up in the day to day activities and monotony that we forget what we were meant to do. I know sometimes there are parts of my HerStory that I wish I could forget but when I think about it those moments are what motivates me to do better and grow.

  3. It’s Important- As women, we should never doubt how important our story is, to ourselves and others. Our personal HerStory is how we got to where we are now and how we became the person we are today. It is important because somewhere someone is waiting to hear that they are not alone. When we tell our stories it helps build us up and gives us and others the courage to keep moving forward. 


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